Did you Know that something as simple as covering the babies mattress with an inexpensive slip-on mattress cover may help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Antimony and Arsenic are …
Tonight I heard Michael Moss, author of Salt, Sugar, Fat speak about his 4 year journey crawling through the underbelly of the processed food industry. Obesity now claims 1 …
Does your child breath through his mouth more than his nose? It may seem like a harmless habit, but mouth breathing, snoring and sleep apnea (abnormal long pauses in …
“All Disease Begins in the Gut” was stated by Hippocrates, 460-370BC. It is a little known fact that about 85% of our immune system resides in our gut. These …
Your Natural Baby Fair 2013 will be at a new location at the Sheraton Marina, Saturday, April 28th from 9-4pm. Dr. Sears will be speaking at 2pm on Vaccine …
Osteopathic Treatment for Newborns and Babies is the title of a Free Workshop that will be presented by Mary Anne Morelli Haskell, D. O. on Friday, May 3 at …
Can you imagine climbing El Capitan? I can’t. But Steve Wampler imagined it and did it. All because he wants children with disabilities to not believe in limitations. Steve …
Why Detoxify? Environmental chemicals and toxins are everywhere and impossible to avoid in our modern world. Our bodies accumulate toxins faster than our detox organs (liver, kidney and lungs) …
Get a Fresh Start this Spring TOP 3 REASONS TO GET A FRESH START – Revitalize your energy levels – Improve your concentration – Overall just feel better! Please …
Dr Mary Anne is among this year’s honorees for the 2012 Coronado Women Who Mean Business